Fluid Motion Theatre Company - Complaints Policy
Vulnerable Adults:
Fluid Motion Theatre Company is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its participants. Staff and Volunteers should be fully aware of the organisation’s Vulnerable Adult’s safety guidelines. They should also show respect and understanding for their own rights, safety, wellbeing and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of Fluid Motion Theatre Company. The process of implementing the policy is the responsibility of the Executive Director. All staff will have access to a copy of Fluid Motion’s Vulnerable Adult Policy and Statement.
This policy is aimed at protecting the vulnerable adult and the worker, recognising the risks involved in lone working. The policy covers all staff and areas of work with specific guidance for projects regularly in contact with vulnerable adults.
The designated safeguarding lead is Ali Gill, Executive Director, ali@fluidmotiontheatre.com
The Police Act 1997 (Enhanced Criminal Record Certificates) (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) Regulations 2001 The Police Act 1997 (Enhanced Criminal Record Certificates) (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) Regulations 2002 (legislation.gov.uk)
In these Regulations ‘vulnerable adult’ means a person aged 18 or over who is receiving services of a type listed in paragraph (1) below and in consequence of a condition of a type listed in paragraph (2) below has a disability of a type listed in paragraph (3) below.
(1) The services are:
- Accommodation and nursing or personal care in a care home
- Personal care or nursing or support to live independently in his/her own home
- Any services provided by an independent hospital, independent clinic, independent medical agency or NHS body
- Social care services
- Any services provided in an establishment catering for a person with learning difficulties
(2) The conditions are:
- A learning or physical disability;
- A physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise, including an addiction to alcohol or drugs
- A reduction in physical or mental capacity
(3) The disabilities are:
- A dependency upon others in the performance of, or a requirement or assistance in the performance of, basic physical functions
- Severe impairment in the ability to communicate with others
- Impairment in a person’s ability to protect him/herself from assault, abuse or neglect
Law Commission, ‘Making Decisions’ Lord Chancellors Dept 1999
A ‘Vulnerable Adult’ is defined as someone over 16 who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or exploitation.
‘Abuse is something that is done to another person, without their full understanding or consent, that harms them in some way. It may consist of a single act or repeated acts. Abuse or neglect may be deliberate, or the result of negligence or ignorance. Unintentional abuse or neglect arises, for example, because pressures have built up and/or because of difficult or challenging behaviour which is not being properly addressed.’ Connect to Support Hampshire (Online 2021) Protecting adults at risk (connecttosupporthampshire.org.uk)
Types of Abuse
Physical abuse
- Bodily assaults resulting in injuries e.g. hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions
- Bodily impairment e.g. malnutrition, dehydration, failure to thrive
- Medical/healthcare maltreatment.
Sexual abuse
- Rape, incest, acts of indecency, sexual assault
- Sexual harassment or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could not consent or was pressured into consenting
- Sexual abuse might also include exposure to pornographic materials, being made to witness sexual acts and encompasses sexual harassment and non-contact abuse.
Psychological/emotional abuse includes:
- Including threats of harm, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, enforced isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks
- Humiliation
- Bullying, shouting, swearing.
- Including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services
- The withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.
Financial or material
- Including theft, fraud,
- Exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
- Including racist, sexist, or based on a person’s disability, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.
No abuse is acceptable, and some abuse is a criminal offence and must be reported to the Police as soon as possible.
Responsibilities of Fluid Motion Theatre Company
- To ensure staff and volunteers are aware of the vulnerable adult’s policy and are adequately trained
- To notify the appropriate agencies if abuse is identified or suspected
- To support and where possible secure the safety of individuals and ensure that all referrals to services have full information in relation to identified risk and vulnerability
- To DBS check volunteers and employees that have access to or work with Vulnerable Adults
Responsibilities of Fluid Motion staff and volunteers
- To be familiar with the adult protection policy and procedures
- To take appropriate action in line with the policies of Fluid Motion Theatre Company
- To declare any existing or subsequent convictions. Failure to do so will be regarded as gross misconduct, possibly resulting in dismissal.
Support for those who report abuse
All those making a complaint or allegation or expressing concern, whether they be staff, service users, carers or members of the general public should be reassured that:
- They will be taken seriously
- Their comments will usually be treated confidentially, but their concerns may be shared if they or others are at significant risk
- If service users, they will be given immediate protection from the risk of reprisals or intimidation
- If staff they will be given support and afforded protection if necessary, in line with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (legislation.gov.uk).
The Vulnerable Adult has the right:
- To be made aware of this policy
- To have alleged incidents recognised and taken seriously
- To receive fair and respectful treatment throughout
- To be involved in any process as appropriate
- To receive information about the outcome.
- Treat others as you would expect them to treat you
- Provide an example you wish others to follow
- Respect a person’s right to privacy
- Encourage adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes and behaviour they do not like
- Remember someone might misinterpret your actions and your comments, no matter how well intentioned
- Recognise that caution is required, particularly in sensitive moments, such as when dealing with bullying, bereavement, grief or abuse.
- Show favouritism to any individual
- Make suggestive remarks or gestures
- Do things of a personal nature for a vulnerable adult that they could do for themselves
- Permit abusive peer activities (e.g. bullying, ridiculing or initiation ceremonies)
- Jump to conclusions
- Allow yourself to be drawn into any inappropriate attention seeking behaviour by vulnerable adults (e.g. tantrums, crushes)
- Exaggerate or trivialise abuse issues
- Rely upon just your good name to protect you
- Believe “it could never happen to me”, both dealing with abuse or being accused of committing abuse.
If you suspect or are told that a vulnerable adult is being abused or their mental health is giving you cause for concern:
- You must always refer to the designated persons at Fluid Motion Theatre Company (Ali Gill Executive Director or Annabel Cook Chair of the Board of Trustees annie692@live.com.
- If an organised group activity, such as a workshop, you must also inform the group leader. Don’t investigate yourself.
- Write down the details, as you know them on the report form.
- Ensure that the vulnerable adult is given the opportunity to talk to you, or an independent person.
- Listen to the vulnerable adult without interruption; do not ask leading questions about what you may suspect.
- Do not approach a suspected abuser yourself. Provide support to the vulnerable adult.
- Accept at face value what the vulnerable adult says.
- Do not pass judgement on what is said, but do try to alleviate any fears or guilt which the vulnerable adult may have.
- Make it clear that you can offer support but that you must pass on the information.
Please follow the Procedures for Reporting guidelines and utilise the contact sheet and report form provided.
If you receive an allegation of abuse:
- Contact the Executive Director or Chair of the Board of Trustees. Any information, no matter how trivial it may appear, must be shared.
- Record the nature of the allegation in detail.
- Do not try to resolve the issue yourself – follow the Procedures for Reporting guidelines and use the report form provided.
- Staff/Volunteers who hear an allegation of abuse against another member of the team, or indeed themselves, should report the matter immediately to the Executive Director. If the allegation is against the Executive Director, the Chair of the Board of Trustees must be contacted.
- All incidents should, ideally, be written up within the hour. Legally they must be recorded within 24 hours.
- Written notes should be attached if made separately from the attached report sheets
- Reports should be signed by the staff member/volunteer, with the name printed and designation.
- Reports and records should be passed to the Executive Director or Chair of the Board if the allegation is against the Executive Director who in turn will take responsibility for the safe storage and processing of this information.
All information gathered should be treated with strict confidentiality.
All volunteers and staff who undertake a ‘regulated activity’ must provide evidence of clearance by the Disclosure and Barring Service at the appropriate level for the adult’s involvement with Fluid Motion Theatre Company. Should the adult not have this clearance they must complete a DBS Form providing the following information:
- Full name
- Current and recent addresses
- Date of birth
- Documentation to confirm their identity (i.e. birth certificate or driver’s license)
- Details of any previous experience, voluntary or paid, of working with young people/vulnerable adults
- Details of any convictions for criminal convictions, including spent convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
- Permission to contact in writing, and in person, at least one local person who has experience of their work or contact with young people who may be asked for a reference.
An informal discussion with the applicant will also be undertaken.
Volunteers and staff without a DBS Check will not be permitted to serve unsupervised with the organisation until the process has been completed.
DBS Renewal
The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring DBS renewals are carried out in line with the following:
- DBS check renewals (usually once every three years) will be required specifically for:
- a) staff and volunteers who work on a one to one, often unsupervised basis with children, young people or vulnerable adults.
- b) staff who work at a number of locations and/or work with minimal supervision e.g. workshop leaders.
Mental Health Training
Where possible Volunteers and staff should complete Mental Health Training with a reputable provider such as St John’s Ambulance.
The Artistic Director and Executive Director will undertake yearly Safeguarding and Mental Health training.
To be effective in this role they must:
- Act as a source of advice, support and expertise within the organisation and be responsible for co-coordinating action regarding referrals, liaising with Social Services and other relevant agencies in cases of abuse and allegations of abuse, regarding both vulnerable adults and members of staff/volunteers
- Ensure each member of staff has access to, and is aware of, Fluid Motion Theatre Company’s Vulnerable Adult Policy
- Ensure the Vulnerable Adult Policy is reviewed annually
- Be able to keep accurate, detailed and secure written records of concerns and referrals
- Ensure parents/carers see copies of the Vulnerable Adult Policy to alert them to the fact that Fluid Motion Theatre Company may need to make referrals.
- To sanction a robust Vulnerable Adult Policy, review it annually, monitor and evaluate its effectiveness and be satisfied that it is being complied with.
- To ensure a designated person or persons are allocated with the responsibility for policy co-ordination, along with a nominated member from the Board of Trustees.
- To ensure necessary training takes place for the Designated Persons to carry out their role.
- To ensure that there are safe and effective recruitment and disciplinary procedures in place.
- To ensure a quarterly item is placed on the Board of Trustees meeting agenda, detailing changes affecting policy and procedures, training undertaken and numbers of cases/incidents (without names or details).
Abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults (safeguarding) – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
For older people
We Are Hourglass (Formerly Action on Elder Abuse) Response Helpline 0808 808 8141 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
For people with a learning disability
Respond exists to lessen the effect of trauma and abuse on people with learning disabilities, their families and supporters.
Hampshire Adult Services on 0300 555 1386 (0300 555 1373 for Out of Hours)
Adult Social Care | Family Information and Services Hub (hants.gov.uk)
Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board
The Police: 101
In an emergency and if it is suspected someone is in immediate danger, 999 should always be called.
Ali Gill – Executive Director ali@fluidmotiontheatre.com 07784 316731
Annabel Cook – Chair of the Board of Directors annie692@live.com
Child Protection:
Fluid Motion Theatre Company is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of its participants. Staff and Volunteers should be fully aware of the organisation’s Child Safety guidelines. They should also show respect and understanding for their own rights, safety, wellbeing and welfare and conduct themselves in a way that reflects the principles of Fluid Motion Theatre Company. The process of implementing the policy is the responsibility of the Executive Director. All staff will have access to a copy of the Company’s Child Protection Policy Statement.
The designated safeguarding lead is Ali Gill, Executive Director, ali@fluidmotiontheatre.com
In order to achieve the principles of the Policy Statement, Fluid Motion Theatre Company will:
- Create an environment where young people feel secure, have their viewpoints valued and are encouraged to talk and are listened to.
- Continue to develop awareness in all staff and volunteers of the need for Child Protection and their responsibilities in identifying abuse, with particular care being taken for young people with disabilities.
- Ensuring that all staff are aware of the referral procedures at Fluid Motion Theatre Company.
- Ensuring that outside agencies are involved as appropriate.
- Providing information for parents/carers outlining procedures laid down within this and other related Fluid Motion Theatre Company policies.
- Ensure young people know there are adults at Fluid Motion Theatre Company whom they can approach if they are worried.
- Ensure that workshops leaders deal with emotive themes with sensitivity and if a young person talks about anything that causes them concern they are not to try and resolve the problem but must pass the information to the teacher or the designated person as appropriate.
- Treat others as you would expect them to treat you.
- Provide an example you wish others to follow.
- Ensure that another adult is present when you are in the company of young people (ideally mixed genders) including situations when a young person is waiting to be collected.
- Respect a person’s right to privacy.
- Encourage young people and adults to feel comfortable and caring enough to point out attitudes and behaviour they do not like.
- Remember someone might misinterpret your actions and your comments, no matter how well intentioned.
- Recognise that caution is required, particularly in sensitive moments, such as when dealing with bullying, bereavement, grief, abuse or signs of poor mental health.
- Be aware of the possible implications of physical contact with young people.
- Show favouritism to any individual.
- Make suggestive remarks or gestures.
- Do things of a personal nature for a child that they could do for themselves.
- Allow young people to use inappropriate language unchallenged (i.e. swearing, racial/sexual taunts).
- Permit abusive youth peer activities (e.g. bullying, ridiculing or initiation ceremonies)
- Jump to conclusions.
- Allow yourself to be drawn into any inappropriate attention seeking behaviour by young people (e.g. tantrums, crushes).
- Exaggerate or trivialise child abuse or mental health issues.
- Rely upon just your good name to protect you.
- Believe “it could never happen to me”, both dealing with abuse or being accused of committing abuse.
If one-to-one contact is unavoidable.
- Make sure it is for as short a time as possible.
- Ensure you remain accessible to others.
- Tell someone where you are going, what you are doing and why.
- Try to move with the young person to areas where there are more people.
- Obtain permission from the young person before any physical contact is made, for instance if you need to administer first aid.
- Try to avoid unnecessary physical contact especially if it may be misconstrued by the child or other people.
- Avoid where possible giving young people a lift alone, however short the journey. When this is unavoidable, it is advisable to get consent from the young person’s parents or guardian. You must also ensure the young person sits in the back of the car. Staff and volunteers should also take insurance cover into account when considering giving lifts to young people, as Fluid Motion Theatre Company insurance does not cover this.
If you suspect or are told that a young person is being abused or their mental health is giving you cause for concern:
- You must always refer to the Teacher in Charge and the designated persons at Fluid Motion Theatre Company (Ali Gill – Executive Director 07784 316731 or Leigh Johnstone 07935 680209 – Artistic Director). Do not investigate yourself.
- Write down the details, as you know them, on the Child Protection report form.
- Ensure that the young person is given the opportunity to talk to you, or an independent person.
- Listen to the young person without interruption; do not ask leading questions about what you may suspect.
- Do not approach a suspected abuser yourself.
- Provide support to the young person.
- Accept at face value what the young person says.
- Do not pass judgement on what is said, but do try to alleviate any fears or guilt which the young person may have.
- Make it clear that you can offer support but that you must pass on the information.
Please follow the Procedures for Reporting guidelines, and utilise the contact sheet and report form provided.
If you receive an allegation of child abuse by an adult:
- Contact the Executive Director or if the allegation is against the Executive Director, the Chair of the Board of Trustees should be contacted, Annabel Cook annie692@live.com. Any information, no matter how trivial it may appear, must be shared.
- Record the nature of the allegation in detail.
- Do not try to resolve the issue yourself – follow the Procedures for Reporting guidelines, and use the report form provided.
- Staff/Volunteers who hear an allegation of abuse against another member of the team, or indeed themselves, should report the matter immediately to the Executive Director. If the allegation is against the Executive Director, the Chair of the Board of Trustees should be contacted.
- All incidents should, ideally, be written up within the hour. Legally they must be recorded within 24 hours.
- Written notes should be attached if made separately from the attached report sheets.
- Reports should be signed by the staff member/volunteer, with the name printed and designation.
- Reports and records should be passed to the Executive Director who in turn will take responsibility for the safe storage and processing of this information. If the allegation is against the Executive Director, the Chair of the Board of Trustees should retain all documentation.
All information gathered should be treated with strict confidentiality
All volunteers and staff must provide evidence of clearance by the Disclosure and Baring Service (DBS) at the appropriate level for the adult’s involvement with Fluid Motion Theatre Company
Should the adult not have this clearance they must complete a DBS Form providing the following information:
- Full name
- Current and recent addresses
- Date of birth
- Documentation to confirm their identity (i.e. birth certificate or driver’s licence)
- Details of any previous experience, voluntary or paid, of working with young people
- Details of any convictions for criminal convictions against children, including spent convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
- Permission to contact in writing, and in person, at least one local person who has experience of their work or contact with young people who may be asked for a reference.
An informal discussion with the applicant will also be undertaken.
Volunteers and staff without a DBS Check will not be permitted to serve unsupervised with the organisation until the process has been completed.
DBS Renewal
The Executive Director is responsible for ensuring DBS renewals are carried out. DBS check renewals (usually once every three years) or yearly DBS auto renewal service checks will be required specifically for:
- Staff and volunteers who work on a one to one, often unsupervised basis with children, young people or vulnerable adults.
- Staff who work at several locations and/or work with minimal supervision e.g. workshop leaders.
Youth Mental Health Training
Where possible Volunteers and staff should complete Youth Mental Health Training with a reputable provider such as NSPCC or Young Minds.
The Artistic Director and Executive Director will undertake yearly Children and Young People’s Safeguarding and Mental Health training.
To be effective in this role they must:
- Act as a source of advice, support and expertise within the organisation and be responsible for coordinating action regarding referrals, liaising with Social Services and other relevant agencies in cases of abuse and allegations of abuse regarding both young people and members of staff/volunteers.
- Ensure each member of staff has access to, and is aware of, Fluid Motion Theatre Company’s Child Protection Policy.
- Ensure the Child Protection Policy is reviewed annually.
- Be able to keep accurate, detailed and secure written records of concerns and referrals.
- Ensure parents/carers see copies of the Child Protection Policy to alert them to the fact that Fluid Motion Theatre Company may need to make referrals.
- To sanction a robust Child Protection Policy, review it annually, monitor and evaluate its effectiveness and be satisfied that it is being complied with.
- To ensure a designated person or persons are allocated with the responsibility for Child Protection coordination, along with a nominated member from the Board of Trustees.
- To ensure necessary training takes place for the Designated Persons to carry out their role.
- To ensure that there are safe and effective recruitment and disciplinary procedures in place.
- To ensure a quarterly item is placed on the Board of Trustees meeting agenda, detailing changes affecting policy and procedures, training undertaken and numbers of cases/incidents (without names or details).
7. LOST CHILDREN – Outdoor events
Fluid Motion hold outdoor events that children may attend. In the event of a child becoming separated from their family or friends, staff must follow the guidelines below:
- Take the child to the security officer on site (if available) or one of the event organisers.
- Reassure the child that they will be safe and looked after until their parents or guardian can be found.
- Offer the child a drink of water but no other food or drink in case of allergy.
- An announcement will be made by the event organisers stating that a child has been lost, no names must be given out publicly.
- If an adult states they have lost a child they will be asked for the child’s name to prove that they know them.
- If they give the correct child’s name, the child must then confirm that this is the person they should be with and must be happy to leave with that person.
- In the event that there is any uncertainty over the legitimacy of the adult the police must be informed.
- If the child is not claimed within 1 hour the police must be informed.
- A detailed record of the incident must be logged.
Contact information:
Ali Gill – Executive Director ali@fluidmotiontheatre.com 07784 316731
Annabel Cook – Chair of the Board of Trustees annie692@live.com
Procedures for Reporting:
Fluid Motion’s Designated Persons
Executive Director (Designated Safeguarding Lead)/Chair Board of Trustees
To report child abuse or a concern about a child or young person’s mental health please call: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm, phone 0300 555 1384
All other times contact the out-of-hours service, phone 0300 555 1373
- Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): 01962 876364
- NSPCC Helpline – 0808 800 5000
- Child Line – 0800 1111 Childline | Childline
- If you think the child is in immediate danger, call 999